From My Mind To Yours Linkup

FAQs What’s it about?

This linkup is to bring awareness about everyday mental health issues and how to care for them. Too often, society has been influenced by the media to make fun of, downplay and desensitize mental health. To bring negative sterotypes to light and debunk them.

How did it come about? I was inspired to start this because i myself deal with depression and anxiety. I wanted to bring mental health issues to light so we can help each other.

What are some suggested topics?

  1. Mental health care - what do you do to de-stress
  2. Debunking negative stereotypes
  3. Advice for good coping mechanisms

How long is it open for? : It is open forever.

Linkup rules:

1. Use image 2. Link your post below in the comments of this post. Thank you all for participating! Lilah


  1. I hope to post something for this sometime soon ❤

  2. I have a few ideas, I'm excited for this.

  3. I hope to post something about this soon, at least in the next month or so. ;) thank you for organizing this! <3 <3

    1. You're welcome Allison! I can't wait to see what you have!


  4. I shall be writing a post sometime after NaNo, promise!

    Catherine <3

  5. I WILL BE DOING THIS> It's a perfect time to share this too! Hah, writing now.
