A Survey

Hi guys!

I'll admit, I've been having writer's block with blog posts. I don't have any ideas for posts and i'm kinda getting the feeling everyone is bored with my songs.

So if you wouldn't mind, taking a short survey so you guys can help me make content you want to see!!!

I don't really know how to do the fancy smancy survey thing?? If y'all could just answer them in the comments, I would really appreciate that :)

What would you like to see from my blog?
Are you okay with album reviews? If so, drop a couple recommendations, I'd love to listen to them.
Would you like to see more musical reviews? Recommend the ones you want to see!
Are you interested in movie/book reviews?
Additional comments about my blog?

Thank you all so much and I look forward to your feedback!!



  1. I would honestly like to see more about any fiction writing you're working on? Maybe short stories, book tags, or book lists (like Top Ten Tuesday)?

    Album reviews sound cool! I recommend "Trench" by Twenty One Pilots and "Daydreamer" by Matthew Parker. Two of my faves. <3

    I don't care so much about musicals, though I'd still read your reviews!

    Book reviews are fun, especially one with an unusual/unique format. :D

    Lila @ The Red-Hooded Writer

    1. Oooh yeah I've always wanted to do TTT!!

      Both sound like great albums. I do really like Twenty One Pilots.

      Thanks Lila!


  2. I'm rather new around here, but I like what I've seen so far, Lia! I think musical and album reviews are very unique and interesting--book reviews are fun, too, but everyone does those, right? :)

    1. True, everyone does. I do read a lot though, so I thought I'd at least do a couple :)

      Thanks Megan!


  3. I'd love to see more of your own songs....
    Album and musical reviews would be soooo cool! I have basically no knowledge of either? If you're doing musical reviews can you start with some of your favorites because I feel like I should know them but also dont want to watch them (because Phantom of the Opera literally made me angry and I wanted to fall asleep)

  4. I would definitely love to see musical reviews - there are too many musicals out there to really know anymore which one are and aren't good without watching them yourself, really. Someone of similar opinion reviewing musicals would be very helpful. Album reviews would also be lovely (I've been thinking of doing that myself...)!
    Overall, I'd just like to read the blog more often - I love it here, and I need to come around more!
    (Also, sorry about not missing you - my family is still sick and couldn't take me.)

    1. I shall definitely do musical reviews then :)

      Its fine!! We shall see each other on Sunday then!


  5. I'm up for pretty much any kind of post. Yes to both questions.
    I love your blog, that is all. :D

  6. All the above would be great! I love all of these ideas.

  7. album/ music reviews are fun! I don't usually read book reviews because I have enough books to read already ;p Movie reviews can be fun. And I always love faith/life based posts ;)
